Labour Weekend Working Bee and Remembering Namgyal Rinpoche
Working Bee:
6pm Friday 22nd to 3pm Sunday 24th October
Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to our 2021 Labour weekend working bee! Spring has arrived, heralded by the blossoming of rhododendrons and morning-song of the korimako. With the changing season comes new energy, and the opportunity to take part in the flow of community and service that is at the heart of the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. This is a chance for both sangha and newcomers to come together and offer a loving spring clean to our centre. Everyone is welcome, including families, and there are lots of different activities to choose from. Enormous generosity from countless beings has enabld the creation and maintenance of this precious centre, and so it continues with the help of many hands.
Working Bee: Friday 22 (dinner at 6:00pm) and Saturday 23 9:00am and/or Sunday 24 9:00am
Thanks to the generosity of the Board of Trustees, fees for accommodation and food have been waived for this long weekend. There will be a dana bowl for the cook.
For the working bee please bring your working clothes, sun hat, raincoat and sturdy shoes for getting stuck into the mahi. Arrive in time for the morning briefings with Hadleigh and Malu at 9:15 am.
For more information about the working bee contact Malu (Centre Caretaker) at centrecaretaker.wangapeka@
How to register for the working bee
Please email Malu at centrecaretaker.wangapeka@
We look forward to seeing you for all or some of the weekend. Thank you in advance for the dedication and wholesome intention to continue breathing fresh life into this place which holds such potency for awakening. Sarva mangalam.
Remembering Namgyal Rinpoche: 10am Monday 25 October Labour Day
With Keith Rowan, Matthew Eades and Bonni Ross.
Who was Namgyal Rinpoche?
Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche taught and empowered many of the Wangapeka Teachers and Community. He inspired the creation of Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. When asked on one occasion “Who are you?” Namgyal Rinpoche replied that he was sunyata plus anything anyone wanted to project on to him.
Elders Keith Rowan, Matthew Eades and Bonni Ross (and others) have been profoundly influenced by meeting Rinpoche and by studying and practising with him for decades. They will share reflections of their different experiences and perceptions of Rinpoche.
So who was Namgyal Rinpoche? What is the nature of any legacy he has left? How is Rinpoche’s approach to Buddhadharma shaping the Wangapeka Centre now?
10:00 am in the main hall.
The korero will be followed by a lunch together. Gluten free (GF) and dairy free (DF) food will be available. There will be a dana bowl.
How to register for the korero
Please contact Malu at centrecaretaker.wangapeka@
For more information contact Jane Hobday