
Founded on Generosity

Wangapeka exists because of the generosity and support of our community.  Over our 40 year history, countless individuals have selflessly donated their resources (time, energy as well as financial) to aid the establishment and unfoldment of the centre, empowering us to continue to fulfill our vision to “foster the realisation of awakening, as described by the Buddha, for the benefit of all beings”.

In Buddha-dharma, the principal of dana / generosity is the first of the six paramita, or perfections.  It is identified as the foundation of spiritual practice, the doorway to real progress on the spiritual path.  The Wangapeka’s existence is a testament to the power of dana and it continues to thrive because this principle is strong in our community.


Challenging Times

However, we are living in challenging times. The income Wangapeka receives from accommodation and subscriptions covers the operation of the centre, but severely restricts our ability to keep the infrastructure of the Centre in good condition, let alone to foster our continued emergence. Over the past five years we have covered our costs, but our current trajectory is not sustainable if we are to maintain the Centre as a place of sanity and refuge for times to come.

As with all challenges, the key to moving forward is to expand one’s view and see the opportunities they carry in tow.  The Wangapeka Board sees this present challenge as an opportunity to strengthen our expression of dana, as well as the other paramita.  An opportunity to ‘walk the talk’ – to more closely align our operations with the principles of Dharma, while still ‘taking care of business’.

Dana is a giving and receiving flow of generosity. By inviting those who can afford it to make a financial contribution in support of these and the other wholesome activities at the centre, we hope to reinvigorate the full cycle of dana in the wider community.


Paying it Forward

Making a financial donation to Wangapeka is like planting a seed.  Wangapeka is the fertile ground and our community and teachers are the water and sunlight that will ensure the tree grows healthy and bears fruit long into the future.  From a single seed, a single donation, countless fruit will be produced, benefitting countless beings with the incomparable nutriment of Dharma.

If you have been fortunate enough to taste the Dharma at Wangapeka, you will understand its potency for positively impacting your own life, as well as the lives of those you come in contact with.  If you believe in Wangapeka and want to allow our activities to continue to benefit myriad beings well into the future, please ‘pay it forward’ by making a donation or considering setting up a regular payment.

People in New Zealand can contact the for the Wangapeka’s bank information to transfer funds through their bank, or set up an ongoing automatic payment. Or you can pay right now through Paypal.

Pay with Paypal

With deep gratitude, the Wangapeka Board on behalf of the Wangapeka community.

Wangapeka is a not for profit organisation.  As we are a charitable trust, donations made as an unconditional gift qualify for donation tax credits.  Let us know if you would like us to issue a tax receipt.