*** Registration is CLOSED as this retreat is Fully Booked ***
Start 6pm Friday, September 24th, ends 3pm Sunday 26th
Want to learn to meditate? Perhaps you have tried and need some more skills and extra encouragement?
Or possibly, you already meditate and wish to develop your practice and drop into a full weekend of meditation.
If so, then this weekend retreat will support you in exploring this.
The weekend will be predominantly silent and offers you the opportunity to learn, strengthen and enliven your individual practice of breathing meditation.
Alongside this there will be opportunities for sharing and questions as well as time for individual practice; including space to enjoy just ‘being’ at the Wangapeka Centre – a very beautiful environment.
The Facilitators
This will be the 5th year this popular course has run at Wangapeka. Our usual facilitators (Duncan, Jane and Mark) are taking a break this year as they are embarking on their own retreat work.
In their place we have Jonathan Chambers and Chris Petzold, both very experienced meditators with a longstanding connection to Wangapeka and the practice lineage inspired by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche.
Jonathan will lead the facilitation with support from Chris as course manager.
More about Jonathan, his teachings and related activities is available here:
This retreat is held in collaboration with the dharmasphere collective – dharmasphere.org.nz
Costs for the weekend
Costs includes food, accommodation, cooks fee & resource fee.
Member $202 (early bird $182)
Non member $222 (early bird $202)
Early bird means payment is received in full at least one week before the start of the course.
The Teaching is given freely although you are welcome to offer dana if you would like to do so.
Registration is CLOSED. The Retreat is Fully Booked.
For more information: Those interested in joining the retreat can direct inquiries to Chris at chrisray.petzold.02@gmail.com
To register please fill out our online registration form
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees – many thanks.
*Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.