Celebration of Wangapeka’s 50th Anniversary
with Tarchin, Mary, Bonni and Matthew
18 – 21 April 2025
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua. ‘I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past’.
In 1975, a bunch of inspired, determined, energetic young people known as the Sphere Group paid a deposit for the purchase of a large barren patch of land up the Wangapeka valley. We understand that the land contained 3 trees, swathes of bracken and potent potential. This is how the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre came into being.
In the last fifty years, generosity in its myriad and expansive forms has nurtured and sustained this Centre as a ground of learning, a place of refuge and a catalyst for transformation for all who have somehow found themselves in its magnetic orbit.
What harvests from these 50 extraordinary years will help us to look forward so we are able to meet whatever arises with hearts open and minds clear?
What powerful fertile seeds can we collectively plant now for all those who will come after us?
Tarchin, Mary, Bonni and Matthew and all who join this temporary community will help shape these and other explorations.
We intend to practice together, explore the whenua, relax and share stories about the whakapapa of the Centre.
Those who share any connection with the Wangapeka are warmly welcome to join this gathering. It will be possible to come up just for the day on Saturday and / or Sunday.
Priority for accommodation in huts or units will be given to those who can attend for the whole event.
However, if you would like to attend but can’t stay for the whole event please contact Jane: jane.hobday17@gmail.com
Costs cover food, accommodation, cooks fee and a resource fee.
Members $316
Non Members $346
Members $253
Non Members $262
Day visitors
Please bring a plate of gluten and dairy free food to add to the table.
Contact the caretaker so we know when to expect you (Centre Caretaker: centrecaretaker@wangapeka.org)
Information and Registration
For further information contact Jane: jane.hobday17@gmail.com
To register for the Easter Celebration please fill out our online registration form
Image credit: Neenu Vimalkumaron on Unsplash