Exploring Tiwaiwaka and the Whenua o Wangapeka
Friday 30th June 5pm – Sunday 2nd July 3pm
Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata
When the land is well, the people will be well.
As the old people said, “All you have to do is get to know the plants and they will tell you everything you need to know” Pa Ropata
This weekend follows on from previous time spent with Pa Ropata (Rob McGowan) exploring the principles of Tiwaiwaka . We will come together as a community of interested people, without Pa Ropata, to learn together how to be more “literate” of the whenua at the Wangapeka, to understand better the mauri of the whenua, and to allow time to connect more deeply with “ourselves” as an intricate web of being.
The weekend will consist of group and individual time weaving together both Tiwaiwaka exploration and opportunity for meditation. Children welcome.
Costs for the weekend include accommodation and food. Please contact the course manager if costs are an issue.
Weekend costs:
Members: $168
Non-members: $188
Children 5-13 years: $66
Under 5’s: free.
Information and Registration
For more information contact Louise at louise.petzold01@gmail.com
To register please fill out our online registration form
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees.
Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.