Gentle Face: Remembering Loving Kindness with Kath Mitchell
Friday 25th 5pm — Sunday 27th August 2pm
Kindness is natural and unconditional, you don’t have to deserve it, or earn it. Kindness is already here, within you. What a relief to remember this and know that love is always present and available. The gentle face of loving kindness is only a remembrance away.
Each moment that we recognise Loving Kindness, we reconnect with this source of nourishment. The present moment transforms into a nurturing space, increasing our capacity to be with whatever we are experiencing.
Many of us find it easier to be kinder to others than to our ourselves, and what arises in our minds can be challenging and painful. Through cultivating kindness, we can strengthen our minds and allow our hearts to open; to be present with whatever is happening, in the changing world and in our relationships with ourselves and others. This experience is one of wholeness and interconnectedness.
In this weekend retreat we will learn a traditional Loving Kindness meditation and explore other creative ways to connect with Loving Kindness. As we attune our hearts to kindness, we learn to rest into this gentle way of being.
This course is open to anyone who is interested in having more kindness present in their life – no previous experience in meditation is needed.
Members: *$198 (plus **Dana)
Non-Members: *$218 (plus **Dana)
*This amount covers the accommodation, food, cook’s fee and resource fee
**Dana means “Generosity” and it is a gift freely given, from the heart. Dana opens us to receive the teachings. Kath offers these teachings freely. The course fee does not include any payment to the teacher. If you wish to offer Dana for the teaching, there is a box in the main hall, where you can place your gift anonymously. Dana is traditionally given at the start of a course.
For more information you are welcome to contact Mark the Course Manager –
About Kath Mitchell
Kath completed her first meditation retreat with Tarchin Hearn in 1989. She has studied Dharma with Bonni Ross for over twenty-five years and continues to cherish this precious opportunity. Kath is a teacher and health worker. She offers meditation retreats, workshops and meditation instruction at Wangapeka and in Nelson. She loves to practice Dharma and study in community, because the wisdom of the group is a powerful and beautiful path to transformation; and that is always a joy to witness and experience together!
To register please fill out our online registration form
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees.
Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.
Image Credit: David Clode on Unsplash