Leander Kane Mindfulness Matters Movement Retreat 2016


05 - 19 Feb 2016


6:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Cultivating a rich and meaningful life

5th February – 19th February

By gently and mindfully exploring body movements (largely carried out while lying on the floor) we open to a natural confidence and grace, touching on and deepening both a sense of flowing aliveness and a state of easeful presence.

Exquisite attention to detail allows for feelings of calm, settledness, groundedness, peacefulness, spaciousness, openess, joy and clarity to be revealed. By both recognising and resting in these wholesome qualities we deepen and strengthen them.

Working this way we discover how to lead happier, richer lives: stand tall in difficult situations and bring compassionate understanding and caring to all.

This simple, yet profound mindfulnes opens to a richer more inclusive appreciation of all of life within and around. A vast expansive knowing/ becoming way beyond our self- limiting beliefs.

Leander Kane is an innovative and inspiring Teacher of Buddha Dharma. She weaves her deepening wisdom from over 20 years of meditative contemplations with her considerable skills of the Feldenkrais Method in a unique and wonderful way.



$  59.00 per day for members
$  65.00 per day for non-members

To book please contact Jo our Wangapeka Caretaker on info@wangapeka.org  or Phone: +64 (03) 522 4221.



Welcome to the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. People visit from all over the world to meditate and enjoy the peace of this remarkable destination. The Wangapeka is a purpose built retreat centre, with fresh, clean air and beautiful vistas. It is very quiet and ideal for respite, stress relief and deep meditation. Delightfully rustic, we have a meditation hall, solo retreat huts, a main hall for dining and community, and a fully catered kitchen and an onsite vegetable garden.

The Wangapeka Study and Retreat Meditation Centre is a Universalist centre home to a wide range of teachings, paths, and studies. Retreats are held on Mindfulness, Vipassana, Insight, Buddhism, Heart-based practices, Loving Kindness, Calm-abiding, Metta, Compassion, Conscious Movement, Nature, Forest Walks, Yoga, Dance, Feldenkrais, Wellness, Wellbeing, Archetypal Integration, Western Mysticism, Non-Duality, Zen, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings with Empowerments and Sadhana Practice.

The Wangapeka Centre is located in the foothills of the Southern Alps overlooking the Wangapeka River, about an hour and a half drive SW of Nelson, in the South Island of New Zealand.

We have meditation retreats throughout the year, have huts available for solo retreats, and welcome bookings from external groups. There are also opportunities available to work on our land. Come and enjoy this uniquely vibrant and peaceful centre.

355 Wangapeka River Rd
R.D.2. Wakefield 7096
New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 522 4221

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