A 16-day residential retreat
with Tarchin Hearn
Fri 28 March (5pm) – Sun 13 April (2pm)
Tarchin has written:
“There are no tricks, no shortcuts, no quick paths for realising a life of awakening. In some blessed way, we gather all the resources of our life; gradually learning the art of mingling interest and need, intellectual inquiry and feeling intuition, while all the time perfuming everything that we do with curiosity and wonderment – a life koan. Resting thus, the subtle teaching of mind practice is being learned. Releasing, arms open wide, heart warm, mind clear, the ordinary – as blessing – and we learn to live in the world we find, and come to do this well, with courage and luminous presence. Feeding the hungry, comforting the distressed, encouraging delicate shoots of goodness wherever and however we find them. May all beings be graced with opportunities for learning these sacred arts of wonderment and love.“
During these 16 days, through contemplation, meditation, mindful movement and immersion in the rugged beauty of Wangapeka, we will explore the meeting point of dharma, deep ecology and our place in the world.
Teacher, author and artist, Tarchin blends the fruits of a lifelong involvement with Buddhist philosophy and practice, with a passion for contemplative ecological science. Further information about his work, along with all his publications can be found at www.greendharmatreasury.org
Costs include accommodation, food, cooks fee, and a resource fee. It does not include any payment for the Teaching.
Accommodation in huts or units
Member: NZ$1,680 (plus *dana)
Non Member: NZ$1,840 (plus *dana)
Camping accommodation
Member: NZ$1,334 (plus *dana)
Non-member: NZ$1,392 (plus *dana)
If you wish to camp, you will need to bring your own camping equipment. Please also write “Camping” on the registration form when you register – thanks.
In the Buddhist spirit of dana, the practice of generosity, Tarchin offers these teachings freely. He relies entirely on the generosity of people who feel that this work is worth supporting. You are welcome to offer dana as an appreciation of the gift of the Teaching. A ‘dana box’ will be available in the main hall at Wangapeka. Generosity begets generosity.
1. Preference will be given to those who are able to attend the entire retreat.
2. Please organize your transport so that you are present at the evening meal on Friday 28th March and so you can stay until the retreat’s conclusion – after lunch – on Sunday 13th April.
Information and Registration
If you would like further information, please feel welcome to contact the Course Manager: Stephen Martin-Rolsky – stephenmartinrolsky@gmail.com
To register please fill out our online registration form
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees.
Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.
Image credit: Lightscape on Unsplash