Understanding Our Mind
Monday May 4th – Sunday May 31st, 2015
a deep and subtle exploration of mindfulness in action
with Tarchin Hearn
Mindfulness is the key to effective healing, meaningful education, wise governance and sustainable living. Its practice inevitably brings us to a place of deep and profound wonderment. What is mind? How does it work? Who am I, and who are you? How does consciousness shape perception and how does our the experience of the world shape the functioning of our minds? These are just some of the themes that will be explored.
During this month of meditative enquiry into mind and it’s function, Tarchin will teach from the Abhidhamma and from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Understanding Our Mind”, published by Parallax Press.
The retreat begins at 6 pm Monday May 4th with an evening meal and ends on Sunday May 31st at 10:30 am. Lunch will be provided on the last Sunday.
Please contact Mary at mtness@clear.net.nz with enquiries.