Five Months in New Zealand – A Dharma Adventure by Luinda Bleackley

Reviewing my time in New Zealand, I have seen such beauty:

Young people sincerely taking on the teachings of the dharma, living lives of seeking.

Creative energies, spilling forth in music and art.

Aspiring bodhisattvas practicing ethical shopping and composting and gardening.

Seeing Wangapeka as a refuge in the world, where people come and are stirred into another way of living.

Teachers that empty us out and fill us up.

Dakinis singing in the Wangapeka kitchen while prepping food for a retreat.

Service, generousity, and out-pourings of kindness.
People who have newly opened the door to the dharma, all aglow.

People who have been practicing for years and lend their kind wise presence to everything they do.

The intense goodness of it all.

Oh my. Oh my. The rich ecosystem of a varied sangha community.
