By Elli Yates October 17, 2022
Tēnā koutou katoa, I am writing to you from windy Parapara in Mōhua (Golden Bay), where spring announces itself in massive gusts of warm(er) wind. I trust you are able to find peace throughout these windy weeks as the days lengthen and heat up.
It has been a good month at the Centre, as Jacinta prepares to depart and we welcome our new caretaker, Tracy. Amber has been volunteering alongside Jacinta, providing support and company as we prepare for a busy summer. Thanks to all those involved in the recruitment process, and we wish Tracy a nourishing first week adjusting to life up the Wangapeka valley.
What we are reckoning with:
The need for a new caretaker. Tracy will take on the responsibilities she is most drawn to – a mixture of ‘Centre’ and ‘land’ (are the two really separable?). But there’s more work than one person and a few volunteers can handle, so we will advertise again soon for a second person to live at the Centre. Remarkably, we are now able to afford this, as our finances begin to balance again after taking a heavy hit through Covid.
Although up compared with last year, our financial situation is still precarious, so we proceed in matters with austerity. The cost of pretty much everything continues to rise, and of coure this is widely felt. Donations to the Centre are greatly appreciated at this time.
What we need help with:
Again, a reminder to our wonderful community to head on over to the Community Forum and check out the categories there. This is the place where we can discuss various matters relating to the Wangapeka, as well as using it to organise between sub committees etc. The Board posts its meeting minutes and agenda items here, so you can tune in with this any time.
The wonderful maintenance crew – Glenn, Simon, Chris and Graham – are on site this week finishing off the volunteer accommodation block. The septic tank for Mike’s caravan has been approved for this space, so (for now) we don’t need to invest in a new one. Many thanks for the furniture donations for this accommodation block so far. More donations are welcome, particularly a thick rug or carpet to make the space cozy.
As always, we welcome any volunteers on the land. Chris Petzold is in the process of moving to the Centre to reside for a time as a permanent volunteer. He has expertise to share and will be on-site to guide anyone who would like to offer dana in this way.
A reminder to get in touch with Elli if you are interested in joining the Year of Service sub-committee. We are currently working together with some of our community Elders to shape the roles and responsibilities that will make a new structure possible for holding Dharma at the Centre, while enabling more people to live at the Centre. Working on this design is an exciting challenge; we ask that you read the Year of Service Proposal before joining the kōrero.
A reminder about our Te Tiriti focus group. We are a group of Wangapeka sangha who meet monthly (mostly) to look at how best to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our role as kaitiaki of the Wangapeka whenua. Another way to see it is a dharmic lens on the kaupapa of decolonisation. Another way to see it is a place to tautoko each other around our use of te reo Māori me ōnā tikanga (the Māori language and its customs). Another way to see it is a personal, reflective, compassionate dive into white privilege. Another way to see it is a place to whakamana te ao Māori. We welcome new members with energy for these beautiful topics! Currently we are: Kath Mitchell, Shelley Taylor, Louise Petzold, Elli Yates, Willow Milligan and Rowan Brooks. Please contact Elli if you are keen to join our rōpū.
People to contact:
Here is a list of the team at the moment, and our emails. The best person to get in touch with for general inquiries or to respond to a call out from Kumanu is Tim, our fabulous secretary.
Cashy Yates –
Tim Leyland –
Simon Jones –
Dan Burgess-Milne –
Elli Yates –
Dave Pooch –
Amber / Jacinta –
May all beings be well and happy, may all beings be free. Sarva mangalam.