Leander is a New Zealander. She combines more than 20 years of experience in Buddhism with her Body-orientated work as a Feldenkrais Practitioner; student of Kum Nye and Massage Therapist. She studied with Tarchin Hearn in the early years; traveling with him and attending yearly three month Retreats. He inspired her to Teach. Other teachers have been Venerable Namgyal Rinpoché, H.E. Beru Khentse Rinpoche; Bonni Ross; Cecelie Kwiat and the work of Moshe Feldenkrais.
She has crafted a unique and direct way of the unfolding human consciousness through the explorations of Body. Working this way deepens the understandings of the mysteries of Body/Mind for the liberation from suffering. “All of our past experiences are stored in the body becoming our habitual patterns. Through gentle movement sequences we can release these stuck body/mind patterns. We become an embodiment of the present moment. A new found confidence emerges and continues to grow as we bring this empowering way of working into our lives.”
For the last 20 years Leander has given residential retreats of 2 – 23 days at the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre in Nelson. She also travels and teaches around New Zealand and Overseas in Australia, Canada and the United States.
Leander is now very happily settled in Pirongia (North Island, New Zealand). She has a welcoming home with a private self-contained retreat space for people to stay in to study with her. Contact her on leanderkane59@gmail.com for more information.