Wangapeka Books

Notice April 2024all of Tarchin’s books, noted on this page, are now offered for dana plus postage.

Wangapeka Books has gifted the Wangapeka Educational Trust the remaining stock of Tarchin’s books.  In the ongoing spirit of generosity the Trust will offer the books to anyone who would like a hard copy, for whatever dana they can afford.  The dana will go to the Trust to support ongoing functioning.  If postage is required, these costs would be paid by the recipient.

Both Tarchin and Mary feel happy about this decision.  Their many hours of work that went into writing, and producing, along with the help of many others, was done always to help support others.  It was years of work, starting in 1985,  and brought much love and joy and learning.

Books are available when visiting the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre.


To order books please contact:
Wangapeka Communications at

Please let us know how many books you want and where you wish them to be sent. We will then calculate the shipping cost and let you know.

Payment within NZ can be by online banking; details will be provided when you are advised of the total cost.

Overseas payment is by PayPal, Visa, or MasterCard (using our secure page and PayPal) which will incur a 5% surcharge to cover PayPal’s fees. We will supply details for payment with the total cost.

Our Paypal account is: The Wangapeka Educational Trust,

Books will be posted when we receive payment.



Ebooks (in pdf format) are available for free on this page.  They are listed below the physical books.

Kobo editions of Tarchin’s books are available for purchase and download from

Kindle editions are available from




TNN Whole cover final 11.5 no folds Spine

This Nectar of Naturalness is a book about meditation and contemplation. It is about the nature of mind and knowing and being. It is also about the mind of nature and how we – all creatures – might live well with each other. While the explorations found throughout these pages are informed by years of engagement with Buddhism, they will be relevant to a wide range of people regardless their religious and philosophical backgrounds.  Between the covers is a collage of suggested explorations; encouragements; poetry to give a sense of larger possibilities; and imaginative thought experiments to stimulate deeper levels of question and curiosity. You are invited to delve into them; think, ponder, feel, and experiment with them. Doing this again and again, your sense of who and what and how you and we are, will surely enlarge.

May this book inspire and encourage you to deepen a way of being that is life affirming, profoundly engaging, and utterly natural. A book without beginning or end, reminders to refresh our investigations when we forget. May it bring you pleasure and may you also have the opportunity to share its essence with others.

157 pages, dana plus postage


The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta is one of the most succinct and detailed outlines, given in the Buddhist tradition, for addressing the challenge of how to live well in this world of continuous transformation and change. It sketches out, in a step by step progression of mindful explorations, a very practical path for awakening fundamental life skills coupled with profound ecological understanding. Blending the pragmatic analysis and experimental questioning of the scientist with the ecstatic union of the mystic, this path of wholesome living is as vital and precious today as it was at the time of the Buddha.

Drawn from numerous sources and from Tarchin’s rich experience of more than 50 years of personal study and practice, “Foundations of Mindfulness” will be a valuable resource and reference for meditators wishing to enrich their exploration and understanding of this essential Buddhist Path.

There is no mystery more profound than mindfulness/awareness.
This is the path of living dharma.
This is spirituality and practical living all rolled into one.
This is the source of joy and well-being,
the well-spring of health and happiness,
the treasure at the heart of everything and everyone.
There is no greater mystery.
Mindfulness is the flavour of healthy knowing in action.

193 pages; dana plus postage


Graced with beautiful photos and printed in full colour, Walking in Wisdom teaches us to be compassionately present in the midst of movement. It reawakens interest in aspects of life we often take for granted, and touches some of the deepest themes of Buddhist teaching.

“This booklet was not intended to be a philosophical treatise but I do want it to be meaningful. The original version was small enough to carry with you as you travel. Perhaps this version will accompany you on your smart phone. I hope it will help to remind you of something we all know but too often forget – that to be present; to be awake, alert and responsive to what is going on inside us and around us, is the key to resting easefully in the unending shifting and changing of being alive. . . .  If we wish to find peace and well-being, it will have to be in the midst of all this whirling movement. That’s why walking meditation is such a powerful practice.”

Did you know, my friend that
Each breath you take changes the world?
Have you realised that 
Every step you take transforms myriad lives?

74 pages; dana plus postage


True Refuge is a beautiful blend of poetry, philosophy and practical instruction – a prolonged meditation on the mystery of refuge.

True Refuge“Celtic tradition sings of home and belonging. Deep ecologists celebrate their inseparable interweaving with all life. Physicists feel their way towards a beautiful theory that links everything. Devotees of religions of all kinds, yearn for union. Buddhists honor the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Sufis embrace the beloved. Christians give themselves over to the Christ Consciousness or to Godhead. Muslims practice surrender. Agnostics let go into the ineffable. This is the journey of everyone, a journey towards refuge, safety, belongingness, well being, and a profound sense of home.”
147 pages; dana plus postage



Illustrated by Robert Sinclair

Something Beautiful for the WorldIn January 2007, a group of people gathered in New Zealand to explore a week of meditation and flute making. During this week, Tarchin gave teachings on the theme of how making a fine shakuhachi (a Japanese bamboo flute) could be compared to crafting a fine human being. Along with these reflections, he suggested various meditative exercises, to be done with and without a flute, to help transform the ideas into direct personal experience.

The pages of this beautifully written and richly illustrated book oscillate back and forth between bamboo flute and human flute. Each is a metaphor for the other. Making a flute, bamboo or human, and playing it, are extraordinarily intertwined like a continuous loop. This book will be a treasury of inspiration for educators, artists, and meditators, in fact, for anyone who aspires to craft themselves into, Something Beautiful for the World.
96 pages; dana plus postage

In 2024 Happen Films released a short film called A Meditation on Crafting a Beautiful Human | Something Beautiful for the World


BreathingThe Natural Way to Meditate invites us to couple our breathing with love and clear seeing and to meditatively explore the world within and around us. A beautifully written, practical and uplifting book, it elucidates the Buddha’s teaching on breathing meditation, weaving together ancient tradition and modern experimental methods and approaches.

Many clear and detailed techniques are given throughout, but in essence the natural way to meditate does not rely on technique. It flowers whenever we are interested in life. What is this marvel we call the body? What is this mystery called speech and communication? What is this wonder called mind? What could it mean to realise freedom while fully engaged in life? Thoroughly non-sectarian, this is a path of awakening that will speak to seekers from all traditions and backgrounds and stages of experience.
145 pages; dana plus postage


Breathing, PORTUGUESE EDITION translated by Verena Erismann Henman. Breathing is now available in Portuguese under the title Respirando: o modo natural de meditar 


bcguGrowth and Unfolding combines poetry and vision with clear instruction and good down-to-earth common-sense. It leads us step by step to a life that is awake, integrated and joyous and truly universal in scope. At times humorous and at times biting, it cuts very quickly to the core of what is most important to all of us.
180 pages; dana plus postage




Daily PujaThis booklet is a collection of reflections or mini-contemplations inspired or taken directly from the Buddhist tradition. They are presented in a way that will speak to the universal nature of everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs.
40 pages; dana plus postage




Natural AwakeningNatural Awakening is a book of great inspiration and beauty. The teaching is direct and profound without being complicated. It encourages us to develop friendliness and interest towards every moment of life and to immerse ourselves in what Tarchin calls “the practice of already here.”

Throughout its pages travel interleaves with poetry, philosophy weaves with meditation techniques and science merges with mysticism. Twenty-two practical exercises are included, making a book of great clarity and relevance to all who are interested in health, awakening and the well being of the world.
238 pages; dana plus postage


Foundations of Mindfulness, Walking in Wisdom, and Breathing: The Natural Way to Meditate compliment each other and together comprise an essential trilogy of mindfulness teaching.
Buy the set of three for dana plus postage.


These e-books are all in PDF format and available for free download from the Green Dharma Treasury website. Please feel free to share them.  They are also listed here from the most recent publications through to the oldest.


The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta is one of the most succinct and detailed outlines, given in the Buddhist tradition, for addressing the challenge of how to live well in this world of continuous transformation and change. It sketches out, in a step by step progression of mindful explorations, a very practical path for awakening fundamental life skills coupled with profound ecological understanding. Blending the pragmatic analysis and experimental questioning of the scientist with the ecstatic union of the mystic, this path of wholesome living is as vital and precious today as it was at the time of the Buddha.

Drawn from numerous sources and from Tarchin’s rich experience of more than 50 years of personal study and practice, “Foundations of Mindfulness” will be a valuable resource and reference for meditators wishing to enrich their exploration and understanding of this essential Buddhist Path.
Click here for “Foundations of Mindfulness” – the entire book in PDF.

WALKING IN WISDOM – 2003, 2019

Revised, Extended and Illustrated – 2019
Walking in Wisdom presents a path of awakening to be realised in the midst of walking outdoors in nature. Filled with techniques, reflections and poems, it teaches us to be attentive and compassionately present while engaging in life. Simple yet profound, it re-awakens interest in many facets of life we have come to take for granted and touches some of the deepest themes of Buddhist teaching.
Click here for “Walking in Wisdom”– the entire 74 page PDF text.


A French translation of ‘Walking in Wisdom’
Click here to download the entire ‘Marcher en Sagesse’ PDF (82 pages)



Coming to your sensesCOMING TO YOUR SENSES – 2002, 2017

Coming to Your Senses gives detailed instructions for cleansing and then exploring each of the five senses. This booklet was compiled after a cleansing of the senses retreat given in Tasmania in early 2002. I hope that it will serve as a practical manual for people wishing to explore this work on their own and that it will be a useful reminder for those wishing to share the work with others. It is not intended as something to just read. Rather it’s a guide to hands-on-direct experience. The heart of the booklet will be revealed in the experiences you have through actually doing the exercises and meditations.
Click here for the 53 page Coming to Your Senses PDF text.


True Refuge is a beautiful blend of poetry, philosophy and practical instruction – a prolonged meditation on the mystery of refuge.
Click here to download True Refuge PDF e-book



In January 2007, a group of people gathered in New Zealand to explore a week of meditation and flute making. During this week, Tarchin gave teachings on the theme of how making a fine shakuhachi (a Japanese bamboo flute) could be compared to crafting a fine human being. Along with these reflections, he suggested various meditative exercises, to be done with and without a flute, to help transform the ideas into direct personal experience.
Click here to download Something Beautiful PDF e-book

Daily Puja bcdpDAILY PUJA (FIFTH EDITION) – 2007

This booklet is a collection of reflections or mini-contemplations inspired or taken directly from the Buddhist tradition. They are presented in a way that will speak to the universal nature of everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. Puja means to honour or to venerate. With these contemplations we honour the mystery of life and refresh our intention to live in a sane, healthy and compassionate manner.
For the entire text in PDF format, click here


Do you have a sense of community, a sense of sangha? If you don’t, how can you find it? Assuming you have a community, does it work, does it function well? What can be done to get it working? How can we recognize sangha, heal sangha, unfold and strengthen sangha? All of these explorations come under the term, sangha work. Click here for the entire PDF text of Sangha Work.


The Natural Way to Meditate invites us to couple our breathing with love and clear seeing and to meditatively explore the world within and around us. A beautifully written, practical and uplifting book, it elucidates the Buddha’s teaching on breathing meditation, weaving together ancient tradition and modern experimental methods and approaches. Thoroughly non-sectarian, this is a path of awakening that will speak to seekers from all traditions and backgrounds and stages of experience.
Click here to download Breathing PDF e-book


Growth and Unfolding combines poetry and vision with clear instruction and good down-to-earth common-sense. It leads us step by step to a life that is awake, integrated and joyous and truly universal in scope.
Click here for Growth and Unfolding PDF e-book


lovingkindnessLOVING KINDNESS – 1999

A collection of essays and articles written by a number of dharma teachers who teach regularly in NZ; compiled and edited by Tarchin Hearn. Click here for the entire 52 page PDF text.





Cycle of Samatha is a simple yet rich practice for living with ease and insight in the midst of whatever is occurring. Based on five reminders; smiling breathing, present, appreciating, and offering, this little booklet has been a pocket mentor of sense and sanity for many people, ever since it was first published in 1996.
Click here to download the 23 page pdf in English

Click here to download the 20 page pdf in German. Translated by Peter Gerdes.

Natural AwakeningNATURAL AWAKENING – 1995

Natural Awakening is a book of great inspiration and beauty. Throughout its pages, travel interleaves with poetry, philosophy weaves with meditation techniques and science merges with mysticism. Twenty-two practical exercises are included, making a book of great clarity and relevance to all who are interested in health, awakening and the well being of the world. Click here to download Natural Awakening PDF e-book


Meditative First Aid bcmfaMEDITATIVE FIRST-AID: A DOORWAY TO HEALTH – 1990

Ten simple exercises that will help balance your energies and bring more vitality into your life. Click here for the Introduction to Meditative First-Aid: A Doorway to Health and a link to the entire 23 page PDF text.




‘Commonsense Retreat’ is a small booklet introducing some of the broadly practical considerations that will help support a solitary retreat. It was originally written in 1984 to help introduce people to the use of retreat huts at the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre in N.Z. Though based on general Buddhist principles, it speaks to people from a wide range of traditions and backgrounds. It touches on themes such as one’s motivation for retreating, basic preparation, the environment or place for retreat, physical health, diet, basic mindfulness practice, and how to smoothly emerge from retreat. Click here to download the entire ‘Commonsense Retreat’ PDF (10 pages)


Books by Ven. Namgyal Rinpoché
are available from Bodhi Publishing in Canada