Wangapeka Board of Trustees
Summary of October 2018 Meeting
At the 2018 Wangapeka Hui and AGM, a beautiful new focus emerged around the need for a more frequent flow of communication between the Wangapeka centre, Board of Trustees and membership community. The community of people who were present, expressed a deep wish to give Dana to Wangapeka, in a myriad of ways, to help and support the day to day needs at the centre.
The first response to that request is a Board of Trustees Summary, from each meeting, to be shared here in Newsphere. Here it is!
The second step is the idea of creating a Community Liaison role. This person would glean and share the day to day activities and needs of the centre. For example, calling for funds for special projects needed, or hands on work with a variety of maintenance and projects happening at the centre. This role has now been taken up by Chani Grieve.
A third step is that a mini Wangapeka Hui has been suggested to be trialled in February in Nelson. It is most likely to be a one day event. The intention is to keep the channels of communication flowing and growing among the Wangapeka Community, before the next annual Hui at Wangapeka. The elders will be invited.
Tasman Lines Spraying
Faith is continuing to put energy into meeting with the lines representative from Network Tasman. She and the Board of Trustees agree that we prefer to find the most chemical free approach to clearing the power lines that is both legally and financially viable. Many options are being explored to achieve this.
Responsible Employers
As the Board of Trustees is legally the employer of Guy and Faith, the Trust caretakers, it is important that we keep employment contracts up to date, and ensure they are reviewed and modified when needed. This is currently happening in collaboration with Guy and Faith.
The power needs of the Wangapeka Centre surpasses the current power capacity available. New options for a power infrastructure upgrade are being explored. All options are expensive and complex. This is essential work. One option is a new transformer to increase the power available. The other option would be a mixture of different power modes, for example, solar power and a boiler for heating. These need further research and we will need further consultation for professional advice on the upgrade, before any final decisions are made.
Sangha Support
The fund is healthy at present and is available for anyone needing financial assistance towards attending a retreat.
Maintenance Sub-committee
This group have met by Skype. They will now focus on an action plan for the remainder of 2018 and 2019. It will include the priorities of finishing Yongdu Hut, the Skydancer upgrade phase two, and many other projects at the Centre.
All financial members of Wangapeka Educational Trust can access the full meeting minutes by emailing the caretaker and requesting these:
Thanks for your kind involvement with the Wangapeka.
BOT Trustees