Doug Duncan Sensei and Catherine Pawasarat NZ Schedule

Below is detailed information about Doug Duncan Sensei‘s and Catherine Pawasarat’s teaching schedule that starts early November and finishes in early December. Dates have changed so please note different class times. The themes for these teachings have been crafted to be accessible to beginners as well and long term meditators. Doug Sensei and Catherine have an interest in social engagement, …

Bonni Meditation Teachings 2014

Bonni & Matthew are coming back! Hi everyone, Once again we’re honoured and delighted to welcome Bonni Ross and Matthew Eades back to Nelson for the first half of 2014. This is an incredibly precious opportunity, and we are immensely grateful to Bonni and Matthew for their generosity and commitment to us. The planning group has met a few times …

Sonia Moriceau

Sonia Moriceau has passed away, Memorial this Sunday

Dear Wangapeka Community, One of our beloved Teachers, Sonia Moriceau, has passed away peacefully. A memorial will be held this Sunday at the Whare Wānanga to honour her good work in this world. Following the Memorial information below, we have a beautiful article written by Tarchin Hearn about Sonia. You may also like to visit as well, to learn …

Bonni Ross Teachings in Nelson

New Autumn Events and Teaching Schedule with Bonni Ross The leaves are colourful as the questions deepen… *New Event Autumn Weekend Retreat FROM KINDNESS TO COMPASSION A Two-Day Non-Residential Retreat We’ll begin on Saturday with focus on the development of metta or maitri –loving-kindness meditation (and the healing of negative emotions that get in the way.) On Sunday, “hearts filled …

Prajnaparamita Retreat Almost Full, Book Now

The Heart Sutra and the Practice of Prajnaparamita Foundation of the Vehicle of Altruism An Autumn Meditation Retreat with Bonni Ross May 19 to June 2, 2013 The Prajna Paramita Hridaya marks the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma and the beginning of Mahayana teaching. The essence of transcendent knowledge, this pithy text can be studied, but never understood …

Lama Mark Webber Nelson Meditation Teaching

Understanding the Universal Nature of Buddhist Refuge A Public Class with Lama Mark Webber 7.00 pm Saturday March 9th. What really is your Refuge? Taking Refuge in the Buddhist tradition can be mystifying; often seen as religious dogma and confusing for many Westerners. Yet all traditions of Buddhadharma consider taking and developing Refuge to be essential along the path of …

Namgyal programme update

Namgyal Memorial Retreat with Tarchin Hearn Oct 15 – 20, 2013 “If you would honour me, practice what I teach.” – Namgyal Rinpoché This five day retreat will be an honoring of Rinpoché’s life and work. The retreat will begin with teaching from Rinpoché’s little known book, “The Vision”. On the Saturday, Tarchin will give teaching on the Namgyal Sadhana, …

Quotes and Images – beautiful

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