Solstice Deep Ecology, Open Floor Meditation Retreat
18 – 24 June 2022
This retreat is now FULL. Please email the Course Manager Chrystal Rogers to go on the Waiting List.
“The key to reclaiming our original wholeness is not to suppress psychological symptoms, to merely recover from addictions and trauma, or to simply manage stress but rather to fully embody our multifaceted wild minds, commit ourselves to the largest, soul-aligned story we’re capable of living, and serve the greater Earth community.” The retreat is inspired by the work of Bill Plotkin.
A retreat to deepen into the work of what Joanna Macy calls the Great Turning, “A shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization”.
Now is a time to cultivate refuge in our belonging to this living earth, growing skills and resources for self care woven together in the heart basket of community that includes the more than human world.
Touching the Earth is a practise that will guide people into the empowered heart of inter-being, it is a teaching for these times. Using the arts of luminous meditation, word and movement we will honour the pain and turn struggles into generous creative acts.
What you will find here:
- Beginning Anew Solstice vision quest
- A nature based ritual for shedding that which no longer serves.
- Open floor movement inquires woven with Joanna Macy Work that Reconnects
- Deepening and strengthening our understanding of meditation as a wild and natural state
- Developing a map of wholeness – the birth-rite to our innate purpose and belonging.
Register Here
Registration is CLOSED as the retreat is FULL. Please email Chrystal (address above) to go on the Waiting List.
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees.
What to expect
Severance from the routines and responsibilities of being a modern (possibly busy?) human. Each morning you will be guided gently into the bodies, stretch and move toward a practice of grateful meditation (with Ming & Jaime) followed by an abundant nutritious self serve breakfast.
Morning inquiries will lead you on a deeper dive into the four facets of wholeness in the spirit of Touching the Earth. Embodied sensing, feeling, wild imagination and thinking. There will be time for solitude and group inquiries. Together we will explore both; embodied movement guided inquiries (Open Floor) and periods of meditation in and as our natural world. Throughout the time of solstice you will be offered an opportunity to fast and re-vision your life and living. Laksmi our cook will be nourishing our body/heart and mind with fresh healthy food.
By the end of the week you will have experienced gratitude, had an opportunity to honour pain and be guided through a powerful teaching of Touching the Earth. We trust you will have some new skills, feel inspired and more connected to the rhythms and beauty of the earth.
There will be spaces for personal sharing and one on one mentoring. We will give careful attention to the return making sure you have what you need to integrate and harvest the seeds you have planted.
The Team Looking after you
About Jaime Howell
Jaime is a trained Wilderness Rites of Passage guide, Work That Reconnects facilitator and experienced teacher of Open Floor movement practice. He has a Masters in Education on the topic of Transformative Rites of Passage. He spent 15 years studying wholeness with Tarchin Hearn from whom he received encouragement to share. These retreats are inspired by Joanna Macy and the work of Bill Plotkin. Jaime and his colleagues are passionate to develop maps to wholeness. We are building the foundations of a new culture. Jaime will bring the guitar, in among the inquiries you can expect some community heart songs.
About Ming Janssen
Ming’s embodied practices started 15 years ago in Indonesia when she was introduced to Tantric Hatha Yoga by Ketut Arsana. A vast journey of enquiry into the science of yoga & somatics followed and she’s been teaching for the last 6 years. Her accreditation is with Awakening Arts, School of Yoga & Eco-Somatic Therapies 200 RYT. Play and curiosity is her mantra. And she invites you to explore new pathways of movement and connection within your body and the wider earth body ‘Terra Soma’.
About Chrystal Rogers
Chrystal is bringing her experience of holistic education to support the teacher and the flow of this retreat for everyone and everything. She will be giving care, focusing on the wellbeing and smooth runnings of the group. Chrystal is trained in Steiner Education & Philosophy. She is passionate about teaching in a way that inspires awe, curiosity and wonder for the world around us. She loves to connect to self, and others, through nature, dance, singing and deep heart sharing and listening.
Explanation of Costs
There are two parts to the costs for the retreat. First is the fixed cost to stay at the beautiful Wangapeka Retreat Centre, the second part is an act of generous reciprocity for the teacher and the team (Dana).
Costs for Wangapeka: 6 nights in the mountains and valleys of the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. Delicious nourishing food, cook fee, private room (where specified) and administration and helper costs.
Non Wangapeka member $660
Wangapeka member $600
Early Bird Cost if register before May 18th
$610 Non member
$550 Member
Reciprocity for Teaching. Suggested Dana for the teacher is upwards of $80 for the 6 days. This reciprocity supports the teachers livelihood and recognises the time, cost and effort put into training and doing the work of growth and unfolding that is the essential precursor to offering. We have a wonderful team supporting you for this retreat.
If you want to come but are having trouble meeting the costs let us know and we will see what we can do to help you. We are open to exchanges and trades.
Aim your curiosities to Jaime:
Register here
Registration is CLOSED as the retreat is FULL. Please email Chrystal (address above) to go on the Waiting List.
To register please fill out our online registration form
If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees.
Thanks to Janine Scott-Dickens for the art work in the flyer 🙂
Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.