A Virtual Exploration of How Womb Experience Shapes Us
with Bonni Ross
Online Course available from
September 12 to October 24, 2021
This course is FULL and Registration is closed.
Six Recorded Classes, with an App-based Feedback Loop
This is a pilot project offered with the support of the Wangapeka BOT and its Program Committee
The period from conception to emergence, Namgyal Rinpoche declared, creates a matrix of patterning within which our lives unfold. The basis for physical and mental health, sexuality and our views on everything from philosophy to food are seeded in the womb.
These experiences do not happen to “you,” because “you” as a separate, self-aware being developed gradually after birth. It is relatively easy to contact events that we remember. But what about the blind spots? How do you meet with conditioning that happened before there was a self-reflecting ego?
This online study will be based in the Sutra App. Instructions will be provided to those who register how to connect with the app and access these teachings. Class recordings will be posted there, as will suggestions for simple explorations you can do if you wish. In addition, all members of the circle will be able to post their questions, comments and complaints, as well as creative expression, on Sutra.
The Wangapeka Educational Trust is generously offering this course at no cost. Dana, the traditional practice of generosity, may be offered to the teacher and the Wangapeka.
Participants will be given instructions to enable offerings to be made.
About Dana
These priceless teachings can’t be quantified in monetary terms. Liberation teachings have always been given freely by Bonni.
An offering can be made to the teacher, traditionally at the beginning, and is a profound practice in itself. Giving can help us open; and through an open-hearted state of receptivity, we can find ourselves more able to receive.
Giving as generously as you can enables Bonni to continue sharing the precious Buddhadharma for the benefit of all.
About Bonni Ross
Bonni Ross has taught extensively at the Wangapeka over the last 30 years and is a deeply respected ‘Centre Elder ‘. She guides individuals in developing focused and skillful meditation and leads retreats for depth unfoldment.
Bonni began exploring the teachings of liberation in the early sixties. In the mid 70’s she met her principal teacher, Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche, whose direct, eclectic teaching and example are central to her life. Bonni teaches from a deep wealth of meditative experience. She communicates with sensitivity, creativity and humour in a way that resonates with each individual present.
Bonni is one of the founders of the dharmasphere collective and one of the visionaries behind the innovative project ‘2020 A Year of Clear Vision’.
She is inspired by ‘ordinary’ people who demonstrate exceptional courage and compassion in the midst of great suffering. Somewhat unexpectedly, Bonni now finds herself living in Nelson, and is currently deeply engaged in studying Maoritanga.
For registration, please contact the course manager Matthew Eades by email:
Registration will be limited to thirty people. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.
Banner Image: Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash