Sangha Working Bee – All Welcome


20 - 28 Mar 2016


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Wangapeka invites you to come and be part of our Sangha Working Bee 20 – 28 March.  Come for just a few days or the whole period. All are welcome and there are lots of different activities to choose from.   If you are a trades person we need plumbing, electrical, building and joining skills.  If you would like to work on the land, you could be in our garden or in forestry plantation.  No experience or specialist knowledge is necessary to be part of this time of community, guidance will be given and jobs suitable for each person. Alternatively if you could do painting or sewing or any other work you think could be of use here, we would be very happy to welcome you. Accommodation is FREE. Food can be negotiable depending on how many hours you would like to do per day. We plan also to have time to sit together. For more information about this Wangapeka Working Bee please ring the caretaker Jo on ph: 03 522 4221.



Welcome to the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre. People visit from all over the world to meditate and enjoy the peace of this remarkable destination. The Wangapeka is a purpose built retreat centre, with fresh, clean air and beautiful vistas. It is very quiet and ideal for respite, stress relief and deep meditation. Delightfully rustic, we have a meditation hall, solo retreat huts, a main hall for dining and community, and a fully catered kitchen and an onsite vegetable garden.

The Wangapeka Study and Retreat Meditation Centre is a Universalist centre home to a wide range of teachings, paths, and studies. Retreats are held on Mindfulness, Vipassana, Insight, Buddhism, Heart-based practices, Loving Kindness, Calm-abiding, Metta, Compassion, Conscious Movement, Nature, Forest Walks, Yoga, Dance, Feldenkrais, Wellness, Wellbeing, Archetypal Integration, Western Mysticism, Non-Duality, Zen, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings with Empowerments and Sadhana Practice.

The Wangapeka Centre is located in the foothills of the Southern Alps overlooking the Wangapeka River, about an hour and a half drive SW of Nelson, in the South Island of New Zealand.

We have meditation retreats throughout the year, have huts available for solo retreats, and welcome bookings from external groups. There are also opportunities available to work on our land. Come and enjoy this uniquely vibrant and peaceful centre.

355 Wangapeka River Rd
R.D.2. Wakefield 7096
New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 522 4221

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