A ‘What If?’ Poem by Ross Inness-McLeish

A ‘What If?’ Poem By Ross Inness-McLeish What if your attention was a love song? Your awareness a holy offering. Indeed, the most holy of all offerings. What if your attention was the greatest gift you have to give? Great enough to transform your humble breath And your simple footfall into a passionate kiss for the wild Earth. And what …

Kumanu Wangapeka February 2020

SUMMARY OF BOT MEETING 7/2/20 FOR KUMANU WANGAPEKA Eftpos Machine in the Office It was agreed to a six month trial of not having Eftpos available in the Centre Office, with internet banking being the preferred, and most used option, when making payments. Kitchen The Kitchen Certification has been successfully renewed. The board is looking into purchasing a small bar …

Review – Foundations of Mindfulness (2019) by Tarchin Hearn

A Book Review of Tarchin Hearn’s recently updated “Foundations of Mindfulness” by Andy McIntosh In these modern times of mass information, and the availability of pretty much anything, we often seem to search for the latest in everything. Often overlooked, or sometimes completely dismissed, are the foundations from which all experience has arisen, including Dharma. They are skipped over in …

All of Space is Pervaded with Love by Elli Yates

Closer to the ground than I’d expected and burrowed deep in the trunk of the body, the heart centre was revealed to me slowly over the course of the two week Boundless Embrace retreat with Bonni Ross. Beginning to work with this space was challenging for me at first; the words ‘strained’ and ‘constricted’ came up. It turns out I …

Reviews — Poised in the Present Weekend by Diane, Rona, and Lucy

Diane Johnstone February 14th 2020, Valentines Day for many, saw our whanau of four traveling to the wonderful Wangapeka for a very heartfelt and community centred retreat – “Poised in the Present.” Expertly crafted by the 2020 Year of Clear Vision Team along with special guest Rob McGowan, one of the foremost authorities on rongoā Māori, 35 + people gathered …

News of Leander Kane

As many people know, our beloved teacher Leander Kane underwent open heart surgery in Hamilton last week. Her surgery was very successful and she is recovering well. Here is the latest post from Dawa Rowley (Thursday 27th Feb) GREAT NEWS! Our beloved Leander is healing well, starting to talk and eat, and even took a few steps with a walker …

Summer Sitting Spots – Namgyal Plaque

Namgyal Plaque is located on the path between the Main Hall and the Whare Wānanga. It’s cool on hot days and the summer sound is often a symphony of Cicadas.  

Wangapeka Gems – True Refuge #1

The quoting of Tarchin’s Natural Awakening was a satisfying exercise. So I decided to quote his True Refuge next. Given the number of stickies, I’m not sure I narrowed it down at all!!! Guess it’s a great book 😀👍❤️