Kumanu February 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa, apologies for the slowing of regular Kumanu over these summer months. We have been meeting as usual, but my writing has not kept up as I’ve found myself swamped by life’s demands. However, here is a summer Kumanu for you, sent with much appreciation, particularly for those on the ground, both at the Wangapeka Centre and on …

Kumanu December 2022

Kia ora tātou, writing to you from wet and thunderous Waikanae, hoping you are well and happy as we approach the longest day of the year. The combination of summer solstice and Christmas makes for a busy, full, festive energy … we hope you are riding the activity of the season with a steady sense of the ground under your …

Kumanu November 2022

[Google Document] Kia ora koutou, we trust this Kumanu Report finds you well and happy. This month the Board met on site at the Wangapeka, sharing a lovely weekend of cakes, kōrero and warm spring rains. It was a good opportunity to connect with both Jacinta and Tracy as the two caretakers overlapped before Jacinta heads to Nelson, and Tracy …

Kumanu “BoT Report” October 2022

By Elli Yates October 17, 2022 Tēnā koutou katoa, I am writing to you from windy Parapara in Mōhua (Golden Bay), where spring announces itself in massive gusts of warm(er) wind. I trust you are able to find peace throughout these windy weeks as the days lengthen and heat up. It has been a good month at the Centre, as …

Kumanu September 2022

[link to pdf] [link to Google Doc] Kia ora e te whānau, springtime greetings to you all! Sending out acknowledgements to you near and far at this changeable time – time of wind, frost, heat and early growth – as the first shoots of sleeping plants begin to show themselves through the crust of winter! We trust you are keeping …

Kumanu August 2022

download pdf here and full text below. Kia ora koutou, late wintery greetings to you all. Here is a little update about goings on at the Centre from your faithful Trustees – Cashy Yates, Tim Leyland, Dave Pooch, Elli Yates, Simon Jones and Dan Burgess-Milne. We would like to begin by acknowledging the many dedicated hearts, minds and hands that …

Kumanu May 2022

[download Kumanu May 2022 pdf] Kumanu May 2022 On Tuesday the 24th of May I joined the Wangapeka Trust board meeting, half an hour after it had begun, so there are some gaps from the beginning of the meeting. Kumanu is an informal sharing of the process, decisions and challenges the board are facing. It is not intended as ratified …

Kumanu Updates

Kumanu is an informal sharing of the process, decisions and challenges the Board of Trustees (BOT) are facing. It is not intended as ratified minutes from the meeting, rather it is what is currently being explored. We hope this report will facilitate timely dialogue, appreciation, understanding, and greater participation from the community, to support the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre, …

Kumanu Autumn 2022

KUMANU, MARCH/APRIL 2022 [download pdf] Tēnā koutou, greetings to the Wangapeka sangha far and wide from your faithful Board members – Shelley, Tim, Cashy, Dan, Elli and Dave. We trust this Kumanu Report finds you well, and that you have support systems in place to help you manage at home around Covid19. The word ‘kumanu,’ as defined by the Māori …

Kumanu February 2021

Kumanu : (verb) to tend carefully, foster, attend to, care for, cherish. Tēnā koutou e te whānau, welcome to another report on the busy goings-on at our beautiful study and retreat Centre. We’ve hosted retreats with Tarchin Hearn and Tessa Meeks this last month, punctuated by lockdown level changes with the continued presence of Covid19 showing up in our national …