Kumanu June 2024

Kumanu is about getting feedback from the community on topical issues. The traditional Saturday hui on our AGM weekend will be a kind of spoken Kumanu.  Here is a taster of the issues where we really would like your input. SAP Service as the Path is half way through and ends in October. How will the second half be compared …

Kumanu March 2024

Trustees Dan Burgess-Milne of Christchurch has stepped down from the Board of Trustees. During his time on the board Dan was renowned for putting Dharma first and foremost when considering issues and applied skilful reasoning and perspective which helped us with many governance issues. Dan spent quite some time working on the build-up and preparation for Service as the Path, …

Kumanu February 2024

Minutes and reports: Minutes Land Care report Centre Caretaker Report Maintenance Sub-Committee Report What’s been happening: Service as the path is coming closer, with Mark and Kath busy packing up their home in Nelson & preparing to come to Wangapeka for Service As the Path. Glenn and Karen hosted a beautiful & well-attended send-off in Nelson this week wishing them …

Kumanu January 2024

Kumanu is a personal piece written by one of the trust board members. In particular it seeks feedback from the community. Your Trust Board met by Zoom on 15 January this year. This month we’re looking for feedback, and or help with, finding a full time Land Caretaker, finding an installer of Starlink systems, and suggestions regarding our Dog Policy. …

Kumanu December 2023

Minutes and reports: November Land Caretaker Report Minutes December Land Caretaker Report What’s been happening: Service as the path – Preparations are ongoing, with registrations opening soon. Young Adults Retreat – Participants on YAR 2023 have been hard at work volunteering dana to the land, sewing new cushions and getting on with jobs all around the centre. The work achieved …

Kumanu September 2023

By Dan Burgess-Milne Hello Wangapeka Community Apologies for a long delay between Kumanus. There was a little miscommunication, as I was waiting on some information that had already gone out. This Kumanu will cover from September until now (November). On the weekend of September 1–3 we had our BOT weekend at Wangapeka. This was an opportunity to connect and orient …

Kumanu August 2023

By Dan Burgess-Milne Following August 2023 Board Meeting Hello Wangapeka community. This is the first Kumanu written by Dan in my role as board liaison for the Comms team. Elli did a wonderful job of this during her time on the board, and I’ll do my best to follow on with the same format.   Minutes and reports: Treasurers Report …

Kumanu July 2023

By Dave Pooch Following July 2023 Board Meeting What’s been happening We’ve got snow on Jones Ridge today and it looks calm. We had our AGM in July where we added two new board members and parted ways with two long-standing members. The “Who pays what” matrix, that we talked about in the last Kumanu, is complete. The issue of …

Kumanu May 2023

Kumanu May 2023 ( following Board meeting of 18 May 2023 ) What’s been happening It was a quieter month for the Board as a whole. We’re grappling with some gnarly issues but some useful things have been finalised. One of these was the arrangement for Georgia Borwick to stay at the Centre while continuing her employment and working remotely. …

Kumanu April 2023

Tēnā tātou katoa, greetings to you all, friends of the Wangapeka Educational Trust near and far! This is the last Kumanu I’m helping to co-author (thanks also to Dave Pooch!) as I step down from my role on the Board. It’s been an honour to write these reports as one way to bridge between our sangha and its Board of …